Company Name:
United Kingdom
Vacancy Type:
25 Sep 2024
About The Role
Summary of vacancy

To drive the vision of the academy through strategic planning, operational management and good leadership of people.  Providing leadership to all areas of the academy so that it is able to deliver well-rounded, footballers into the professional game.


The Academy Manager is accountable for:

A clear vision and supporting strategy for the Academy
The Academy strategy is translated into clear objectives which are cascaded down and bought into at all levels.

The alignment of the Academy’s Playing and Coaching Philosophy with the Club’s philosophy
Owns the Academy’s Playing and Coaching Philosophy ensuring is it understood and adopted throughout the Academy.

An operational plan/performance plan to deliver the strategic objectives
Takes ownership and drives the operational plan/Academy performance plan through others

Financial performance of the Academy
Has responsibility for the day-to-day financial management of the Academy

Identifying and managing change effectively
Manages changes in strategy or process effectively (implemented quickly and effectively without resistance).

Management of Academy staff
Academy staff know what is required of them and are well-managed to achieve their goals.  Academy staff report satisfaction levels reported as high

Player progression through the system
To ensure the academy achieves its goals in relation to player outcomes.

Expectations to players as footballers and individuals
Expectations around player experience are met or exceeded

The Academy’s reputation within the club and the Academy environment (other sporting/external environments)
The Academy Manager is regarded as the key leadership figure and influencer within the Club structure.

A clear vision and supporting strategy for the Academy

Plan future Academy strategy

·       Use the Club strategy to inform Academy vision and strategy

·       Spend time thinking about and exploring how the Academy should look and feel in the future

·       Research external sources to inform vision/ strategy e.g. other football academies,other high performance sports

·       Build a picture which describes how all elements of the Academy work together and the outputs they would like to see

·       Involves Department Heads in strategic discussions and decisions

·       Identify alternative ways to achieve the vision

·       Connect the impact of each department in terms of delivery of the vision

·       Presents proposed Academy strategy to the Board for approval

·       Engages with staff to enable them to understand how they contribute to the vision &strategy – considers how to make this appealing to people in all roles so that they buy-in

The alignment of the Academy’s Playing and Coaching Philosophy with the Club’s philosophy

Facilitate development of the Academy’s coaching philosophy & curriculum:

Activities include:

·       Facilitates the creation of the Academy’s Playing and Coaching Philosophy in line with Club Philosophy. This will involve consultation with some or all of the following:Head of Coaching, Lead Phase Coaches, Technical Director/ Director of Football

·       Identifies what behaviours underpin the values and link to the Philosophy

·       Draft detailed Philosophy

·       Present Philosophy back to stakeholders for approval

·       Work with Heads of Department to embed the Philosophy in their area

·       Regularly monitor adoption of Philosophy in all areas of the Academy

An operational plan/performance plan to deliver the strategic objectives

Manage the creation and implementation an operational plan that reflects the strategy and vision.

Activities include:

  • Builds operational / performance plans based on Academy KPI outputs and EPPP requirements in consultation with Department Heads
  • Agrees KPIs with all Department Heads
  • Asks Departmental Heads to produce plans to meet KPI targets in their areas
  • Review all plans to ensure alignment to achieve Academy KPIs
  • Review and interpret all (management) information/ reports supplied by all Departmental Heads to assess progress and feed back into operational planning
  • Monitors Departmental progress towards KPIs adapt plans as necessary
  • Monitor audit metrics between audits to check progress/ ensure standards are met


Financial performance of the Academy

Manage the financial operations of the business:

Activities include:

  • Produces a business case for the Academy budget to present to the Board
  • Cascade budgets to Departmental Heads and gives clear budget targets
  • Asks for regular management reporting in relation to budget spent/ outstanding from all departments
  • Check departments meet their budgetary targets
  • Monitors and adjust focus of overall spend as required
  • Calculate and monitor value add from players (as Club assets)


Identifying and managing change effectively

Manage change proactively:

Activities include:

  • Looks for opportunities to make improvement through changing how things are done
  • A change management plan is developed whenever significant change is required (covering target groups, stakeholders & change agents)
  • A communication plan is developed prior to implementing change
  • Change is implemented systematically in line with plans and reviewed regularly/adapted as required

Management of Academy staff

Performance manage Department Heads.

Activities include:

  • Review the organisational structure of the Academy to ensure that it supports the vision and strategic plan
  • Write Role Profiles / checks and updates Role Profiles, of all Academy staff to ensure they will enable the role holder to deliver relevant KPIs
  • Implement suitable performance management processes and communicates this across the Academy
  • Ensure that others are performance managing their staff appropriately
  • Agree clear objectives with team (Department Heads)
  • Provide regular feedback to Department Heads
  • Hold regular 1:1 conversations with team
  • Ensure all direct reports have Development Action Plans
  • Be available to team - open-door philosophy or clear articulation of when they can have ad hoc conversations
  • Diagnose and manage under performance


Recruit suitable people into the Academy:

Activities include:

  • Lead on recruitment for all Departmental Managers
  • Advise/ offer support for recruitment to other key posts (Lead Phase coaches etc.)
  • Contribute to recruitment decision for direct reports to Departmental Managers– discuss needs with managers, take part in interviews, offer thoughts
  • Create a succession plan for the academy
  • Speak to Department Managers to understand their long-term aspirations


Player progression through the system

Monitor progress and adapt plans:

Activities include:

  • Monitors player progression through Head of Coaching/ Lead Phase coach (possibly self in older age-groups)
  • Meets with the Technical Board to discuss players (informed by LPCs)
  • Discuss changes to individual/ group player strategy
  • Have a method to track players who leave to identify where do they go


The expectations set to players as footballers and individuals

Deliver expected ‘service’ to players and their families:

Activities include:

  • Produce ‘Player Charter’ to outline the Club’s way of working with players
  • Negotiate individual contracts directly or through agents
  • Create Education & Welfare Standards with Education & Welfare Department
  • Quality assure that education and welfare and player care promises are delivered
  • Monitor player & parent satisfaction and adapt way of working as necessary
  • Develop a strategy to help players who are leaving the club


The Academy’s reputation within the club and the Academy environment (other sporting/external environments)

Manage relationships internally and externally:

Activities include:

  • Ensure regular contact with CEO – ad hoc and formal
  • Create and maintain relationships with Football Director/ Tech Director/ First Team Manager/ owners
  • Watch games/ training so that visible to parents and available to chat
  • Regularly spend time with coaches and players
  • Maintain relationships with schools, local universities etc.
  • Develop a strategy for managing parents including how parent’s evenings are run
  • Hold ‘team building’/ ‘away days’ with Department Heads to gain greater cohesion and shared direction within the Academy leadership team – take responsibility for creating an elite learning and development environment
  • Proactively manages the reputation of the Academy to the wider Club and at external events




Work Relationships

The Academy Manager needs to build relationships with the following:


CEO: to ensure that the Academy is represented on the football agenda at board level

Technical Director/ Director of Football: to ensure that the Academy is represented on the football agenda at board level

MDT: Heads of department – to gain buy-in and to ensure a sense of team so that they work together in order to innovate and move the academy forward as a unit.

Head of Coaching: ultimate strategic responsibility for coaching. Need to understand development priorities and stay informed regarding coaching achievements. 

Lead Phase Coaches: so they feel valued and buy-in to/support the vision and strategy.

Coaches: Part Time & Full Time so they feel valued.

First team staff: to assist with creating a pathway for players.

Parents: so they are aware of the degree to which the Academy values them/ their children and so that they have a senior individual that they can raise concerns with if necessary.

Players: So they see the Academy Manager as someone who values them as people.



Premier League: as ‘advisor’/ central body

EFL: as ‘advisor’/ central body

LFE: related to education

FA: as the governing body of the sport

Universities / colleges: who can help with research etc.

Academies in other Clubs: people in similar roles in other Clubs –share information and learning

Performance Directors in other elite sporting environments: people in similar roles in other sports – share information and learning

Intermediaries: as influential over player decisions to stay at or leave a Club

About The Candidate

Academy Manager: Person Specification

Essential Experience

Academy Managers must have experience of working in at least three of the following roles:

  • A role which involves working in an elite performance sports environment
  • A role which involves working in a high performing business environment
  • A role which involves leading and managing people
  • A role which involves strategic planning
  • A role which involves education/ pedagogy

Academy Manager must have knowledge and/or experience of at least three of the following:

  • Understanding how elite players are developed
  • The process of learning in coaches
  • How a football Club works (not necessarily as a coach/ high level player)
  • Working with young people
  • Business management/ Financial management/ budget planning



The Academy Manager must have experience of football if:

  • The Lead Phase Coaches report directly to the Academy Manager

Desirable Experience:

It is deemed beneficial if Academy Manager have additional experience/ knowledge related to the following:

  • Playing football
  • Football coaching
  • Coaching of another sport
  • Understanding of Long Term Athlete Development
  • Elite sport (athlete or otherwise)
  • Adult development
  • Organisation/ planning
  • Project management
  • Change management


Essential Qualifications

The following qualifications/certificates are essential for an Academy Manager to be employed:

·       Enhanced DBS

·       FA Safeguarding Children Certificate or Online Safeguarding Children Re-certification



Desirable Qualifications

The following qualifications are deemed to be useful to the Academy Manager but should not preclude someone from being recruited into the role if their experience and characteristics fit:

  • Level 3 ‘UEFA B Licence’ qualification in football
  • Level 4 ‘UEFA A Licence’ qualification in football
  • Level 5 ‘Pro Licence’ qualification in football
  • Level 4 coaching qualification in another sport
  • FA Advanced Youth Award
  • Qualification in Education such as PGCE, Pedagogy MSc etc
  • Coaching/ Mentoring Qualification
  • Business degree (MBA or similar)
  • Coach Education qualification
  • Sport Science Degree
  • Degree

Core Capabilities

Motivation: what needs to appeal to them?

·       Wants to create a sustainable organisation which will deliver long-term goals

·       Likes to have the autonomy to make decisions and set direction

·       Enjoys working hard to overcome challenges

·       Gets satisfaction from providing leadership and management to enable a team to perform effectively and deliver results

·       Gets a buzz from seeing players grow, develop and succeed:

·       Gains satisfaction from being able to add value to the Club and the game


Interpersonal dexterity: how should they interact with people?

·       Is able to quickly understand the different needs and agendas of others

·       Adapts style and manner of interaction to build relationships with very types of different people

·       Able to use different approaches to influence people across different levels to gain backing for objectives

·       Communicates in a clear and straightforward way to ensure others understand important information

·       Is able present and defend a point of view or decision confidently


Resilience: what are the tough aspects of the role?

·       Able to remain composed when faced with conflicting demands

·       Able to cope effectively with pressure caused by long-hours, lack of resources and high expectations

·       Bounces back from setbacks quickly

·       Is comfortable being ‘hands off’ and delivering through others

·       Remains positive despite limited recognition and feedback


Thinking: how do they need to deal with information?

·       Applies logic and rational analysis when interpreting data to draw sound conclusions

·       Sees the big picture by analysing information from different sources and drawing things together

·       Thinks strategically to develop new ways to deliver required results

·       Prioritises when faced with conflicting demands in order to focus effort where greatest gain will result

·       Thinks creatively around problems to generate alternative options and solutions

·       Able to create and apply a structured approach to managing projects and planning and implementing change

About The Club

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